Chór uzyskał liczne nagrody i wyróżnienia na konkursach i festiwalach chóralnych:
- 1992 i 1995
Kalundborg Choir Festival (Denmark) – 1st and 2nd Prize - 1992
Festival of the Deutsche Sängerbund (Cologne, Germany) - 1994
Choral Workshop in Viborg, Herning (Denmark) - 1996
International Choir Festival in Malta – 2nd Prize - 1997
Florilege Vocal de Tours (France) - 2nd Prize - 1997
Akademicka Banska Bystrica (Slovakia ) – 2nd Prize - 1998
Kalundborg Choir Festival (Denmark) – 2nd Prize - 1998
5. Orlando di Lasso Choir Festival (Vatican) – 1st Prize - 1999
International Choir Festival Limburg (Germany) – 3rd Prize - 2000
7. Orlando di Lasso Chorfestival (Vatican) – 1st Prize and Gold Medal - 2000
International Choir Festival in Malta – 1st Prize and Golden Trophy - 2001
8. Orlando di Lasso Choir Festival (Vatican) – 1st and 2nd Prize (in two categories) - 2003
Akademicka Banska Bystrica (Slovakia ) – 1st Prize - 2004
Helsingborg Choir Festival (Sweden) – Silver Diploma - 2005
1. International Choir Festival „Mallorca en Musica”(Spain) - 2006
International Choir Festival „Ad una corda” in Pezinok/Bratyslava (Slovakia) - 2006
International Choir Festival in Malta – 2nd Prize - 2007
Concert Tour to Padova, Venezia, Lido di Jesolo (Italy) - 2008
Music Festival „ Lago di Garda“ (Italy) - 2009
Internat. A. Bruckner Choir Competition in Linz (Austria) – Silver Diploma - 2010
Alta Pusteria Choir Festival in Alto Adige (Italia) - 2011
IV International Malta Choir Festival (Malta) - 1st Prize and 2nd Prize - 2013
Akademicka Banska Bystrica (Slovakia) – Silver Diploma - 2014
European Music Festival for Young People Neerpelt (Belgium) - 1st Prize - 2015
II Konkurs Chórów Akademickich - Święty Krzyż - Kielce - 2 miejsce - 2017
VIII Ogólnopolski Konkurs Pieśni Pasyjnej - Bydgoszcz - Złoty Dyplom